Is God Mad At Me?
“Who told you you were naked?” When you read those words from the creation story, what feelings arise? Fear? Condemnation? Regret? What do you think God is feeling? Disappointment? Maybe even rage? I felt all these things for years when I read those words. When looking at the rest of scripture, at times I saw an angry God and defeated human race. It turns out I had it all wrong. Up until this week I had trouble understanding why anyone, God included, would waste their time on me. At every turn I was ridiculed, I kept getting hurt, and I was always sick. I had asthma, SI dysfunction, and tons of food allergies. I constantly fought with my husband, my kids would sneak upstairs while I was distracted by my phone, and I would swim in self loathing. The only good thing happening was work, and I would throw myself into it full force. I would sit for 7 hours straight answering messages, preparing marketing, and working with clients, without a break to even take a sip of water. I wa...