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  This video is hard to watch. It was 2017 and I had spent 3 years under dozens of doctor's care with no solutions. It started with mild fatigue and worsening asthma symptoms. The fatigue worsened. I found I couldn't climb to the top of the stairs without my muscles aching like I had ran a 100-meter dash. My sleep started to be affected and I was only able to make myself sleep for 2 hours at a time, and spend the rest of the night sweating, shivering, and wondering why I couldn't sleep when I was desperately exhausted. My family had moved into a beautiful house in a small town outside of Pittsburgh. My husband was transferred to the town a year or so before, and he was grateful to now have a shorter commute. Even though we loved our old house hidden in the woods, it was tiny, and our family of 6 had outgrown it. This new house seemed like a dream come true with two full baths and my girls didn't have to sleep 4 to a room. This video was taken after we found some mold un

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